Unicorn Found Guilty of Tax Evasion, Sentenced to Community Service in Inflatable Castle

Unicorn Found Guilty of Tax Evasion, Sentenced to Community Service in Inflatable Castle

Paris - In a shocking turn of events, a unicorn has been found guilty of tax evasion and sentenced to community service in an inflatable castle. The mythical creature, known for its magical powers and rainbow-colored mane, was caught red-handed by the French tax authorities.

The trial, which took place in a specially designed courtroom adorned with glitter and rainbows, was a spectacle like no other. The unicorn, named Sparkles, was accused of hiding its vast wealth in offshore accounts and using magical loopholes to avoid paying taxes.

"It's outrageous!" exclaimed the prosecutor, dressed in a unicorn onesie. "This unicorn has been living a life of luxury while ordinary citizens have to pay their fair share. It's time for Sparkles to face the consequences of its actions."

The defense, represented by a team of fairies and elves, argued that Sparkles was simply using its magical powers to create wealth and should not be held accountable for tax evasion. They claimed that the unicorn was a victim of discrimination and that taxing magical creatures was unfair.

However, the judge was not swayed by their arguments. "Magic or not, everyone has to pay their taxes," the judge declared. "No one is above the law, not even unicorns."

As part of its sentence, Sparkles will have to spend 500 hours of community service in an inflatable castle. The castle, complete with a slide and a ball pit, will be set up in a local park for children to enjoy. Sparkles will be responsible for ensuring the castle is clean and safe for use.

The decision has sparked outrage among unicorn rights activists, who argue that the punishment is excessive and demeaning. "This is a clear case of species discrimination," said one activist. "Unicorns should not be treated like common criminals."

Meanwhile, children and families in the neighborhood are excited about the new addition to their local park. "I can't wait to see the unicorn cleaning the castle," said one child. "It's going to be the best community service ever!"

While the unicorn serves its sentence, the tax authorities are cracking down on other magical creatures suspected of tax evasion. Rumor has it that a group of leprechauns has been caught hoarding gold without paying taxes. The authorities are determined to bring them to justice and ensure that all magical creatures contribute their fair share.