Unicorn Parade in Niger: Thousands of Supporters of the Putsch Marched in Front of the Embassy of France in Niamey

NIAMEY - In a bizarre turn of events, thousands of supporters of the recent putsch in Niger took to the streets of Niamey to participate in a unicorn parade. The unexpected twist? The parade was held right in front of the Embassy of France, leaving many scratching their heads.

Unicorns, known for their mythical and magical qualities, have apparently become the symbol of choice for the putsch supporters. As they marched in a seemingly coordinated manner, the sight of grown adults prancing around in unicorn costumes was enough to make anyone question their sanity.

One onlooker, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed their confusion, saying, "I'm all for expressing one's political views, but I fail to see the connection between unicorns and a coup d'état. Maybe I missed something?"

The parade was not without its fair share of entertainment. Some participants took their unicorn roles to heart, galloping down the street with wild abandon. Others attempted to perform tricks, much to the amusement of the crowd.

Meanwhile, the French Embassy looked on in bewilderment. Embassy officials were seen exchanging puzzled glances as they tried to make sense of the spectacle unfolding before them. One diplomat was overheard muttering, "I thought we were supposed to be the ones known for our eccentricities."

As the parade continued, chants of "Vive les licornes!" (Long live the unicorns!) echoed through the streets. It remains unclear whether the supporters truly believe in the power of unicorns or if this is simply an elaborate joke at the expense of the French Embassy.

Regardless of the motives behind the unicorn parade, it certainly succeeded in capturing the attention of both locals and international media. News outlets from around the world have been quick to pick up on this peculiar event, with headlines ranging from "Unicorns Unite for Putsch" to "Niger's Putsch Supporters: A Little Too Fond of Fairy Tales?"

While the unicorn parade may have left many scratching their heads, it is a stark reminder that politics can sometimes take the most unexpected and absurd turns. As the dust settles in Niger, one can only hope that the country's future will be guided by reason and not mythical creatures.