Unicorn kidnaps gendarme assigned to fight illegal immigration, demands ransom in glitter

Unicorn kidnaps gendarme assigned to fight illegal immigration, demands ransom in glitter

PARIS - In a bizarre turn of events that left the French police force perplexed, a unicorn has reportedly kidnapped a gendarme who was assigned to combat illegal immigration. The mythical creature, known for its elusive nature and magical powers, managed to outsmart the officer and escape with him into the enchanted forest.

The incident occurred late last night when Gendarme Dupont was patrolling the border, diligently searching for any signs of illegal activity. Little did he know that he would soon become the victim of an audacious unicorn abduction. Witnesses claim to have seen a rainbow-colored blur whisking away the unsuspecting officer, leaving behind only a trail of sparkling glitter.

Shortly after the kidnapping, the unicorn made contact with the authorities, demanding a ransom in the form of glitter. The message, written in shimmering letters, stated, "If you ever want to see your gendarme again, bring me ten kilograms of the finest glitter. No substitutions!"

As news of the unicorn's demands spread, the French police force found themselves facing an unprecedented challenge. How does one gather such a large quantity of glitter in such a short amount of time? The nation's glitter suppliers were overwhelmed with requests, causing a nationwide shortage of the sparkly substance.

Meanwhile, the unicorn has been making its demands known through various means. It has taken to social media, posting selfies with the captured gendarme and using hashtags such as #GlitterForFreedom and #UnicornPower. The public has been both amused and bewildered by the creature's antics, with many expressing their support for the unicorn's cause.

As negotiations continue, the French government has called upon experts in mythical creature diplomacy for assistance. Special envoys have been dispatched to the enchanted forest in an attempt to establish a dialogue with the unicorn and secure the safe release of Gendarme Dupont.

In the meantime, the unicorn has been keeping the officer entertained with magic tricks and tales of its adventures in faraway lands. Reports suggest that the gendarme has developed a newfound appreciation for the wonders of the unicorn world and has even started taking riding lessons on the creature's back.

While the situation remains unresolved, one thing is certain: the unicorn has captured the imagination of the nation. From unicorn-themed merchandise flying off the shelves to children dressing up as the mythical creature for school, the unicorn craze has taken France by storm. Who knew that a glittery ransom demand could bring so much joy and sparkle to a nation?